Tuesday, 30 January 2018

SU Notes Source

History and It’s Way To Being a History Byover Linguistic <Part I: Proposal of "The Philosophical of Universal Lingual Writing Process">

Written By: Yusni Tria Yunda, S.Pd.

Author : Yusni Tria Yunda, S.Pd., and Yusni Tria Yunda.

Event Organizer: Yustria in The group of Shadow University.

"Sejarah bertanya; apa itu perubahan, dan apa yang harus diubah, untuk kepentingan apa anda mengubahnya?. Sejarah menggantungkan eksistensinya pada dua ukuran ; waktu dan ruang ; peristiwa demi peristiwa merambat pada koordinat-koordinatnya. Fokusnya adalah 'perubahan', rumusan masalahnya adalah dalam track waktu ;

1. Masa lalu mengubah masa kini dari yang tidak mungkin terjadi jadi terjadi

2. Masa kini mengubah masa lalu melalui penemuan-penemuan baru

3. Masa depan diubah jalannya pada masa kini melalui tindakan-tindakan masa kini.".[1]

The written, in order to making this proposal, is trying to translate the notes above, as below:

History asks: what is the change, and what the things have to be changed, what for the importance are you change it being to be? History hanged up existence onto two measures; time and space; the events by events transmit on their coordinates. Their focus is: "change", it's problem formulating are in the time tracks;
1. The past changes present time which from impossible to happen it being happened.
2. The present time, changes the past time by over the newest findings.
3. The future’s way of be changed in the present by over the acts in the present time.

"Pada track ini mana yang dominan?, yang dominan adalah kepentingannya untuk mencapai tujuan-tujuan yang diharapkan terjadi. Beberapa pendekatan ;

- Pada jalur pertama digunakan kausalitas yang jika koordinatnya melebihi eksistensimu maka ia menjadi "katanya", menjadi "menurut", menjadi "berita dari". Dalam hal ini komposisi yang seimbang antara ilmu / metodologi serta naluri kepercayaan menjadi dominan, seperti ilmu yakin dalam meyakini sesuatu.". [2]

Which one the dominant?, the dominantly is its importantly to reach the perhaps to be happened of the purposes. Some approach is ;

- On the first track be used quality that if its coordinate exceeds your existence then it’s be "<someone> said", become "according <to…>", into "the news from <'...'>". In this case the balance composition between science / methodology and the believe of instinct is be dominant, it’s like the believe of science in believing to something.".

____# Simkuring seja bade nyeratkeun pamendak kuring perkawis "<...> between science / methodology and the belifes of instinctic <...>", - hususna tangara garis dengdek katuhu <"/">. Upami simkuring nu maos hartos tangara ieu <"/">, nyaeta : "tina pirang-pirang". Pangartos 'tina pirang-pirang' ieu, panginten tiasa sapadan sareng "from every". Kukituna, pangartos nu ngandeg tina kalimah "<...> the balance composition between science / methodology and the believes of instinctive <...>", tiasa janten dua pangartos dasar ;

1. "Between science "from every" methodology <and the thing which meanes>";
2. "Between science "from every" methodology and the believing of instinctive".

Tegesna, pangartos simkuring dina danget ieu sanes ;

3. "Between science or methodology";
4. "Between science or methodology and the believes of instrinctic".

Anapon akibat <"result"> ti nomer dua <2> di na pangartos kuring ieu, ngajantenkeun eta pangartos utami "between science from every methodology and the believes of instinct" ngagaduhan pangartos-turunan <"sub-understanding"> kieu ;

2.1. "Between science from every methodology" salaku 'di antawis elmu tina pirang-pirang metodologi', and <jeung>;
2.2. "Between science and the beliefes of instinctive".


a. Hartos ti na 2.1 sareng <"with"> 2.2 , upami ngangge cara pemetaan tina cara panyaket <"approach"> matematika <"math">, janten aya dua daerah nu dituju <"range">, nyaeta 2.1 sareng 2.2 , tina hiji daerah asalna <"domain">, nyaeta 2.

b. Kunaon nu nomer hiji <1> di na pangartos kuring ieu teu diguar?. Upami mitelik ka na <"to the"> tegesna pangartos 2.1 , sacara langsung ieu <"this"> parantos ngaguar oge nu nomer hiji. Kantun pemetaanna bae kana <"onto"> pirang-pirang metodologi nu dipimaksad ku elmu husus. Saparantos <"after"> pemetaan a. jeung b. kaemut, kantun midamel pametaan ka na <"into"> hasil <"result"> sasarengan tina a. jeung b. ti "domain" salaku hasil galoan <"mix">.

Eta mangrupi akibat-lampah <"consequence"> upami milih nganggo kecap "di antawis" <"between">, hartosna kedah tiasa dipertelakeun ku hiji cara-panyaket.

Rupina eta tiasa benten upami nu dianggona kecap "beyond" oge <"also"> kecap "amoung", nu mana dua kecap eta <"beyond" jeung "amoung"> rada <"inclined"> teu patos peryogi <"need"> pertelaan <"descript"> samemeh <"before"> dipuguhkeun <"make sure"> masalah-masalahna, - hususna <"especially"> masalah nu parantos dipikauninga <"knowing"> hakekat utamina <"major essence">, namung teu acan tiasa lebet kana cara-guar <"method"> ti <"from"> 'domein" nu parantos kalawangan <"be opened">, - ieu "biyon".


Sumber Duplikasi Untitled Album.

Oléh: Yusni Tria Yunda. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2112359267111&id=1789538702&set=a.2112358667096&source=48 ___ 1...